If you are new to the drum corps activity, or new to the Blue Stars, we know you likely have questions. Every season we work tirelessly to ensure that the health & wellness of our members is prioritized and that participation in the Blue Stars provides a unique and positive life-changing experience. We are here to help you get to know us and how the Blue Stars’ commitment to an amazing member experience defines and motivates everything we do.

Your participant may be a seasoned drum corps veteran or just getting started in the activity. While it may seem like a daunting audition process and season ahead, we are here to help answer any questions you may have and to provide the support you need.

We hope this page helps to answer some commonly asked questions about being a member in the Blue Stars and drum corps in general:


What is drum corps?

  • Similar to marching band, participating members audition, prepare, and perform a highly produced and choreographed 10-13 minute production. Beginning with auditions followed by winter camps, spring training and an ambitious summer tour, drum corps is a full-time extensive marching arts performing experience from late-May to early-August and includes over 20 performances in stadiums and venues across the country.

What is the time commitment?

  • Participants audition in the fall, attend pre-season winter camps, move-in full time in late-May for Spring Training, and commence summer tour in June.

How much does it cost?

  • The total cost of participating will be announced at the first round of auditions. The comprehensive fee includes daily instruction, four meals a day, use of corps instruments and equipment, and uniforms.

  • Payment by check is always preferred to avoid credit card service fees, however, there are multiple ways to pay membership dues.

Drum Corps International: DCI Parents Overview


Auditions & Pre-Season

  • Auditions begin in November and continue until the drum corps has been set. Materials and registrations will be available in the early fall months to prepare for auditions.

  • The audition season officially begins in November with a series of 1-Day Camps at locations across the country. Video auditions are also accepted. Membership offers are made to 165 members in the various sections of the corps throughout the audition process.

  • In addition to in-person audition camps, we host in-person camps for specific sections in January, March, and April.

  • Members of the drum corps will be expected to participate in pre-season music and visual assignments, as well as physical fitness training exercises to prep for the season ahead.

Can I attend camps?

  • Parents are welcome to attend pre-season camps to observe and/or volunteer.

  • At most camps there is space available for parent volunteers to set up sleeping gear to stay on site.

Spring Training

  • In late May the full corps moves in to our Spring Training site. For nearly 4 weeks we learn the production, physically prepare for the demands of the season ahead, and become a functional marching ensemble.


  • In late June we take the show on the road and begin our tour which includes performances in drum corps shows across the country.

  • In addition to performances, we continue to develop and refine the production as we compete against other drum corps.

  • Members travel in motor coaches accompanied by a fleet of semis and support vehicles to ensure the traveling unit makes it from site to site.

  • Housing generally takes place at high schools and universities across the country.

  • Throughout the touring season parents are able to send mail and packages to members at designated times and locations. We will provide further information as the season approaches.


The drum corps activity thrives on the support of dedicated volunteers. We highly encourage parents to get involved and join us at camps, Spring Training, and while the corps is on tour.

For additional information and to sign up to volunteer, please visit the Blue Stars Volunteers page.

You can also email volunteer@bluestars.org for more information and any questions you may have about volunteering with the corps.


Can I visit my child during the summer?

  • Yes! You can see your participant by attending shows, volunteering with the corps, or meeting during designated free times.

  • Parents are highly encouraged to attend as many rehearsals and performances as possible! Unless otherwise announced, all rehearsals are free and open to the public.

What if my child needs to leave during the season?

  • It is imperative that members of the drum corps be present for all rehearsals, performances, and corps events. However, we understand that certain important life events (high school graduation, family member weddings, etc.) may need to be prioritized. Please communicate any conflicts with the tour season well in advance by contacting the Corps Director.

Show Tickets

  • Blue Stars block section tickets are sold for several major events.

  • All other show tickets are sold independently by show organizers as well as by DCI.org.

Parent Facebook Group

  • Every season we invite parents of current members to join an annual Parent Facebook Group to interact and ask questions to stay up to date with latest information. More information will be shared after members are selected for the upcoming season.


If you have any questions about participation in the Blue Stars, please reach out!

Office Phone: (608) 782-3219

Email: director@bluestars.org